

Become the best, safest, fastest and most convenient option for anyone looking for their next hire.

Make recruiters, employers and future bosses notice, trust and prioritize you - instantly

In a nutshell:
Our experienced recruiters pre-verify, design and optimize your resume on your own verifiedcandidate.io page. But it doesn't stop there: We make you look your absolute best on social platforms, in job applications, in networking settings or any situation where speed, credibility and trust is critical: We deliver your best first impression, that makes it safe, practical and convenient for anyone hiring, to want to bring you along for the next stages.

In addition to your resume, service is compatible with:

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+ many more!

Be strong when you are at your weakest - In the initial stages of a hiring process:


Why is this not a "thing" yet? In a competitive environment, margins do matter. This a simple and outstanding way to speak the recruiters and employers "language". Given that your resume matches what we are looking for, getting pre-approved like this gives you the "for consideration"/ shortlisted status instantly.

Highly recommend.


Minette Brink
7+ year Candidate Sourcing specialist


This is an actual effective shortcut. An application delivered with verification and objective assesment from a third-party definetely stands out from the other applicants in a positive way. Off course there are other factors too, but giving your potential new employer the opportunity to skip 70% of the work in terms of understanding who you are and instantly be confident you can be trusted,

- is an absolute must.


Isha Bansal
5+ years Recruiting IT candidates

Skip the line and go straight to the shortlist, as anyone looking to hire can confidently regard you as a "no-brainer" candidate.

Not just convenience:
Approx 6-7 out of 10 applications contains false claims or "creative" versions of the truth. Anyone hiring is aware of this and works hard to assess who is trustworthy.

With verifiedcandidate.io you did the hard work for them: You are already verified, evaluated and approved by a objective third party authority.

In your case, all obstacles are removed: No need for more questions or hesitation. It's time to call you in for a first meeting.


As an entrepreneur and CEO for many years in development I regularily hire for long, short and project basis.

I can ensure you that we will always prioritize a candidate that has all of their claims already verified and their resume evaluated by a trusted third party.

It instantly creates a sense of security and confidence in a potential employee.

I can only speak for my own company, but if we get the opportunity to single out a trustworthy and potentially great candidate, while at the same time avoid a timeconsuming and demanding recruitment process:

- No doubt, we will do it. It's just too practical and convenient for a business like us.


Kannan D
15+ year CEO/ Software entrepreneur for development & IT services

It's not just in the traditional application process where verifiedcandidate.io gives you a massive advantage:

Investors, small businesses, teams and projects

There are so many situations where your credibility, integrity and trustworthiness is critical. Partnerships, investors, small businesesses etc. usually spend less resources for recruitment. In addition, decisions are usually made faster, and the "gut feeling" often weighs a little more.

With a reviewed and pre-verified resume from verifiedcandidate.io anyone considering you will realize that, not only are you a great candidate, but they can reduce their risk and effort, simply by picking you before anyone else. The doubts, headache and annoying work needed to realize you are a valid candidate is already done and complete moment they click the link to your verifiedcandidate.io profile page:

Flip the script

The perfect networking tool. Always ready to make an impact.

Most jobs are filled through networking.

When you (or someone you know) share your verifiedcandidate.io profile page, all the work, doubt, headache and hesitation that comes with considering you for a job is simply gone.

You are basically the safest, fastest and most convenient option

Flip the script

The perfect networking tool. Always ready to make an impact.

Most jobs are filled through networking.

When you (or someone else) share your verifiedcandidate.io profile page, all the work, doubt, headache and hesitation that comes with considering you for a job is simply gone.

You are basically the safest, fastest and most convenient option

It all starts with your very own verification page,
designed by professionals, verified and delivered with authority

Go from being "just someone in the crowd", to the candidate they can trust - in mere seconds.

With your very own verification page our team of experienced recruiters has already verified, structured and perfected your resume. Yes, we do this manually and talk directly to your references to verify your soon to be optimized presentation.

It doesn't stop there, our experienced recruiters has a range of evaluations, reviews, notable observations, key stats and many other things at the ready: everything designed and curated for you to look your professional best, validated and approved by a pro recruiter, with the recruiters colleagues in mind.

Note: every profile will have a different blend of details, based on where you are at and what line of business you are in, or want to get in to.

In just a few seconds you have an ideal first impression delivered with authority: It's designed, pre-verified and reviewed by experienced recruiters.

Then, there is no questions left to ask about your trustworthiness, your integrity or credibility of your resume.

But wait, there is more:

The future gets faster. Turn it in to your advantage.

CEO's, recruiters and hiring managers have short attention spans too.

The Verification page is the main attraction, but it doesn't stop there. We need to leverage your proactiveness and create curiosity and make sure your profiles look impressive.

Use your verified badge to spark curiousity and let anyone know you are someone to trust, instantly. Once they visit your profile, they will be presented with the link to your most impressive resume: Your verifiedcandidate.io page

As for your more traditional application processes, add your certificate as a "frontpage" so the first thing anyone understand is that your are trustworthy, have intergrity and are basically an honest proactive person.

Invaluable traits on display, when you need them the most - in the initial stages


Make them curious: Eye-catching credibility badge

Your verified badge make it easy for anyone to understand that there is something uniquely positive about you. This extends beyond having a direct link to your profile: you will stand out whenever your profile is mentioned, in searches, recommendations and all kinds of other scenarios. Follow up by making the link to your verification page readily available for anyone that tries to learn more about you. It will take a few seconds for anyone to understand that you are trustworthy, proactive and a person of high integrity.


Elegant Vintage Certificate updaged-01

Certificate to be used as a "frontpage" to your physical or PDF application

Whether you submit your application through a software, or a pdf doc, or even on physical paper, adding your very own certificate of validity is the perfect front page to truly stand out, straight from the start. Off course the link to your profilepage is added there as well!

Begin with the end in mind

Trust takes time and effort, so why not stand out as the trustworthy, safe and convenient candidate - right from the start.

Why future bosses, employers, recruiters or anyone in your network will love your pre-verified resume

Traditionally verifying candidates happens at the later stages, to save time and money: And that is a big risk for recruiters.

But, there is nothing they can do about it

Until now:

Recruiting is big task, and resources is scarce. Recruiters simply have to make descisions, even if they know the risk of most applications contains some falsehood or "creative" claims.

The recruiters are practically forced to cut down on applications *somehow* long before they can check who is legit or not. Its simply a matter of time and resources.

This artificially inflates the quality of your competition, as so many candidates is looking way better than they actually are.

This creates a shortlist for the position that has already squeezed out honest candidates in favour for inflated resumes and false claims.

And recruiters is well aware of it, but they have no chance of verifying all candidates upfront.

And, even if all the other candidates is actually honest people: Your application is already delivered with most of the hard work done. There is no need for hesitating or questioning your application. You effectively removed all obstacles. You did the work for them.

This is why delivering your next application with a pre-verified profile/resume will send you straight to the next stage of the interview: Its just too practical and convenient for anyone looking to fill that position.

Traditionally verifying candidates happens at the later stages, to save time and money: And that is a big risk for recruiters.

(but there is nothing they can do about it..until now)

Recruiting is big task, and resources is scarce. Recruiters simply have to make descisions, even if they know the risk of most applications contains some falsehood or "creative" claims.

The recruiters are practically forced to cut down on applications *somehow* long before they can check who is legit or not. Its simply a matter of time and resources.

This artificially inflates the quality of your competition, as so many candidates is looking way better than they actually are.

This creates a shortlist for the position that has already squeezed out honest candidates in favour for inflated resumes and false claims.

And recruiters is well aware of it, but they have no chance of verifying all candidates upfront.

And, even if all the other candidates is actually honest people: Your application is already delivered with most of the hard work done. There is no need for hesitating or questioning your application. You effectively removed all obstacles. You did the work for them.

This is why delivering your next application with a pre-verified profile/resume will send you straight to the next stage of the interview: Its just too practical and convenient for anyone looking to fill that position.


One thing is the traditional hiring process, where a pre-verfied profile is no doubt a must.

But there are so many other ways to get hired, especially if we exclude the huge "mega-corps". With verifiedcandidate.io you have a massive advantage right from the start. And, since you did all the hard work for them, to many employers I suspect it will simply be too easy, convenient and tempting to just give you a call and get to know you better, before even starting the planned hiring process.


Rafael Reyes
8+ year Full-Cycle Technical Recruiting Expert